County Scout Night Exercise
The County Night Exercise is an exciting event for all Scouts, in which teams of mixed ages navigate at night along a carefully chosen route, visiting checkpoints at which challenging and fun-based activities are available. Points are awarded for each activity and for completing the route within a certain time, which allows for some navigational error!
Novice teams may enter as non-competitive teams and use the event to gain valuable experience. They will be scheduled to start up to an hour before the competitive teams, starting from 16.30 walking a shorter route mostly during daylight. They can be accompanied by a Leader/Explorer Scout. Their activities and navigation will be scored but will be counted as non-competitive. (Leaders should use their judgement in assessing a team’s navigation abilities).
The terrain consists of mixed coniferous and deciduous woodland, tracks and footpaths, a short stretch of road with pedestrian paths two minor road crossings and a supervised road crossing. The event is managed by a very experienced team, with fully manned checkpoints and on-route marshals in radio contact with a central event control. The main route is around 6 miles.
Entry Requirements
Overall entries will be capped at 40 teams. ENTRY is limited to ONE TEAM PER TROOP WITH AN OPTION OF AN ADDITIONAL TEAM IF SPACE ALLOWS.
Troops that express an interest in having a second team in the online entry reservation form (see link below) will be informed if they can do so after the initial entry closing date of February 9th.
Teams should consist of 4 -7 scouts of any age although COMBINED TEAM AGES must not exceed a specific total, which will help make the event more even. Age should be calculated in exact years on the date of the event: 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14.
A team of 4 = 50 years total age.
A team of 5 = 62 years total age.
A team of 6 = 75 years total age.
A team of 7 = 87.5 years total age.
(These restrictions do not apply to novice/accompanied teams.)
ENTRY is £42 per team. Closing date for entries is Sunday 9th February. If teams are short of numbers, we will endeavour to make up a team so that every Scout has the opportunity to take part.
TO ENTER YOUR TEAM(S) Please click on the link below this link and complete the online entry reservation form. The form asks a number of questions including a request for you to nominate adults and/or Explorers who can assist in a variety of roles. Like all Scouting activities, the Night Exercise is run by volunteers in this case quite a large number, so please could you aim to providing one or more volunteers whom we can allocate to appropriate roles. They can be leaders, parents (DBS checked) or Explorer Scouts/Young Leaders.
MAKE PAYMENT FOR ONE TEAM ONLY using one of the links below to GLSW’s online booking system. If you are successful in being allocated a second team, then you will need to click on the link again after February 9th. The cost for entering is £42 per team.
Download more details here: (including rules)
Information and entry detailsCNE25
Note for Parents (revised 300125)
Bentley Copse Activity Centre Shere, Guildford GU5 9JH