From this page you can access the following services provided for Scouts and Explorers – just click on the titles for the relevant pages:
The Extra Mile – Chief Scout Gold Award
The Extra Mile is a District initiative to ensure that Scouts are able to complete their Gold Award through providing sessions for Expedition, Outdoor or Adventure Challenge Award activities
DoE Award Scheme with Scouts
Several Explorer Units across Richmond District are able to offer Explorer Scouts the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Explorer Scout Units are open to any Explorer Scouts across the District and in liaison with the Greater London South West Scout County Team. This is a guide to the award scheme.
Young Leader Training
The Young Leaders’ Scheme is a programme of 10 training modules and four missions (projects) designed to help and support those aged between 14 to 18 who work with a section (Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts) as a Young Leader.