Roger “Ossie” Stanley – Gone Home
It is with profound sadness that we have to announce that Ossie Stanley passed away on 29th December 2024 at his home in Twickenham having returned from a brief spell in hospital.
He celebrated his 82nd birthday in December.
Ossie was a legend in the District and beyond; he was awarded the Silver Wolf by the Chief Scout in 2011 and gave more than 64 years of adult service. He was completely dedicated and devoted to the Scouts.
Ossie joined 1st Margarets Scout Group as a Wolf Cub in 1949…and after serving in various roles as Group Scout Leader, Beaver Leader and a plethora of roles in between (we all know what that’s like!), he served in the District Events Team – a significant contributor to events including Day Prowl, Beaver badge days, Patrol Leader Training Camps, the Beaver Annual Party, the annual District Conference, District Camps (yes, including every Twickeree!) as well as countless other activities.
You could find him every Wednesday in the District Shop sorting badges but even more famously at the sideline (in the full sun!) of every District volleyball match, whether at Borough Camp, Twickeree or District Summer Camp.
Ossie took his Scout Promise very seriously and always did his duty to his absolute best. Over his 64 years of adult service he will have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds if not thousands of people as they developed into responsible adults. It seems that anyone in the Twickenham and Richmond area that had any contact with Scouting in the last half-century will have known – and be influenced by – the legend that is Ossie Stanley.
Needless to say that he will be sorely missed.
Funeral arrangements
FRIDAY 21st February 2025
Dress Code: Full Scout Uniform with decorations
2.00 pm All welcome to
Then all welcome afterwards from approximately 3pm :
*Onsite parking may be limited, but parking will be available in adjacent side streets
The official Funeral Notice with details of donations can be found here: