Jack Petchey Awards

The Jack Petchey Achievement Award scheme is an initiative which enables schools and youth organisations in London and Essex to celebrate the achievements of their young people.

The awards are open to young people aged 11 to 25 and each winner receives £300 to be spent on something of their choice that will benefit their Section or Group. This could be used to organise a fun activity for their section, a nights-away experience, or to purchase equipment. Each winner is normally invited to a celebration event in January where they receive a framed certificate and badge and have the chance to share their achievements.

Nominations are accepted from anyone involved in Scouting, including the young people themselves. There are also adult awards too! These adult awards recognise the hard work of our volunteers. This award allows each winner to apply for a small grant (up to £750) from the Jack Petchey Foundation, again for the benefit for their Section or Group.

There has been a recent and major shift in the way the Jack Petchey Achievement Awards are selected and distributed within Richmond District. Instead of the original 3 tranches a year  – at the end of February, May and October, each consisting of 9 applicants – the process has been compressed into 2 tranches, 1 at the end of May consisting of 18 applicants and the other at the end of October consisting of 9 applicants.

The nomination form needs to be submitted to the District Awards Co-ordinator at: JPAA@richmondscouts.org.uk by the dates indicated (these are generally twice a year, but may vary). The Award winner understands that they agree to attend any following Jack Petchey Award presentation held in November.

Once the nomination has been successful, the following process occurs:

  1. The nominee will be notified they have received an award.
  2. Once the expenditure form is returned, the £300 is sent to a recognised account for their section/group/etc.
  3. Once the event/activity has been run and paid for, the receipts must be sent to the Jack Petchey Secretary as soon as possible as proof.

Failure to follow the above process in a reasonable time will lead to the Award Scheme requiring the prize money to be returned and could lead to the District being suspended from the Scheme.

Forms and information – Adults

JPAA Application Form – Leaders

More information?

For more information about the Achievement Awards, click here

Award submissions and enquiries, contact the District Awards Co-ordinator at: JPAA@richmondscouts.org.uk


HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III