What can District do for you? The feedback

Date: 25th Jan 2025 Author: Peter Tomlin

Many thanks to everyone who sent in ideas about how the District team can help sections, groups and units with events which would enhance Scouting for our young members.

We posed the question on the 9th December 2024:

The District team is looking to enhance what we offer to Groups, Units and Network in terms of regular (even if not annual) events.

We’re particularly looking at what we can provide which may be difficult for groups and units to provide on their own. Is there something you’d like to deliver but don’t have the resources?
Ideas should be youth-focused – so please ask your young people for their ideas too! They could be be about helping your young people gain those top awards. Do we need to run Squirrels Badge Day? Cubs Badge Days? Are there other events which we could put on – a soap box derby or maybe a local Monopoly run?

We collated the results for the District team meeting on the 23 January 2025.

Overwhelmingly, the response was – Can the District offer badge days for Cubs?

A number of specific badges were suggested, such as Disability, Photographer and Water Activities. Some requests were made for badges which may be able to be delivered during Cub section meetings – such as Hobbies, Collector and Home Help

The District Team will now look at how best to deliver a Cub badge day as well as helping provide resources for Cub Scout leaders to enable delivery of certain badges during their regular meetings  – and will keep Leaders informed.

The team will also look at the other responses and see how we can help deliver a great Scouting experience to all our young members.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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